Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Air Zone Revolution - Ultra Micro T-28 Trojan BNF

Thinking of air zone revolution? The exciting Ultra Micro Series edition of ParkZone’s wildly popular T-28 Trojan is a must have for everyone. It is good for both intermediate and experienced and well known pilots. Like the very original, it has gives superior performance and good for sport aerobatics but remains a joy to ­y at slower speeds if you want to throttle back and shoot touch and go. And, like the original, it boasts remarkably scale lines and a great looking U.S. Navy trim scheme. Best of all, this one is small enough to fly in your backyard or garden or street.

It never disappoints anyone and never disrupts the pilot experience. As a pilot, I do my best to minimize air crashes, inconsistent landing. I think it is perfectly stable and all round performer. It gives a great opportunity to enhance user’s experience and one of the best things we can do as pilots is to measure our flights, time of flying and complete exceptions.

It is ready to fly and easy-to-control. It may exceed your expectations. If your goal is to have maximum flying hours, then this is the brightest option to consider. So, if you want to excel in your arena and enjoy the beneficial ride of Ultra Micro T-28 Trojan BNF, then start now! Want to see its features, visit: Grayson Hobby.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Get start with UM F-27Q Stryker 180 BNF Aircraft

Have you ever wanted to know how Stryker thrills or what to expect from a powerful Stryker. You can learn more about it from here only! In particular senses, it has its own Powerful E-flite® 3000Kv 180 brushless outrunner motor, which has already been installed in it. It gives it enough power to loom and zoom across the sky. Ever wondered, how it leaps in air, yes, it leaps through its damage-resistant rubber nose. What I should tell? You can take a quick look at Grayson Hobby.

It has the capacity to change history and write its own significant course of series. It has many important areas and properties that make it truly unique and enticing. It packs the punch of an E-flite® 3000Kv 180 brushless outrunner motor that is aimed to delivers high speed and thrusting performance.

It also has functional twin rudders, so you can push the limits with extreme aerobatic maneuvers like flat spins, snap rolls, blenders and more. Perhaps best of all, you get this awesome performance without having to sacrifice any of the smooth, predictable flight characteristics that have made every Stryker a sport pilot favorite. And if you’re new to this field, check out UM F-27Q Stryker 180 BNF and get started in minutes.

Drop us a line if you want to hear more about it!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Grayson Hobby Offers DJI Phantom QuadCopter RTF

Grayson Hobby, a hobby store has been offering DJI Phantom QuadCopter RTF at its website.

DJI Phantom QuadCopter RTF is the most amazing multi rotor helicopter. It is highly compact with integrated design. It is easy to carry and has streamlined design. It also reflects the superb art and aesthetics of its industrial design.

Its fantastic visual effects allow you to become the focus of the crowd. Moreover, you can mount a GoPro or other light and handy cameras on your Phantom to shoot some footage from the air which will bring you a brand new travel experience.

One advantage is that it is ready to fly the moment you unpack the package, just charge the LiPo and install transmitter batteries and some accessories like propellers. Grayson Hobby has been offering DJI Phantom QuadCopter RTF at the very best price at its online store.

For more information about Grayson Hobby, its RC products (radio controlled toys, tanks, cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters), product specifications, free shipping, etc., please visit its website: